Author Interview: ‘Reluctant Queen’ by Tony Jaehrling

Lorynthia: From the Western Sea to the Badlands, and from the Dragon Mountains to the Red Desert live a diverse people who, for thirty years, have enjoyed a tentative peace. King Rhyman Thimpor united them, holding them together by sheer force of will.

But Rhyman is dead, felled by an unknown malady, and the throne stands empty. Lorynthia holds its collective breath. Who will rule them now? Will the peace Rhyman crafted survive his passing? They look to the capital city, Cyrinth, and await the coronation of the next monarch.

However, Lorynthia’s past misleads them, the future draws them into devastating war, and their enemies approach through the shadows to finish them. Their only chance of survival? A young woman who is both citizen and outcast.

Tamyr Thimpor has it in her power to salvage both the past and the future. But, never having aspired to the throne, Tamyr does not want to lead these people. Worse, she does not know who she truly is and has no inkling of the power she may someday wield. Yet, if she does not accept and unleash the power that resides within her, all is lost.

Tamyr, the Reluctant Queen, is Lorynthia’s only hope.

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1: Tell us a little about yourself and what got you in to writing?

In grade seven I started writing small plays for the school assemblies. I also wrote speeches for the public speaking events. I did this because I enjoyed doing it, and I still enjoy it.

2: Do you have a favourite time and place where you write?

I have no favorite time and place to write. I write when I feel like writing, wherever I am.

3: Where do your ideas come from?

Short answer: my imagination. I think that’s true for all creative people. However, I also think it takes work to develop your imagination. If someone has a muse, they worked hard to get her.

4: Do you have a plan in your head of where the story is going before you start writing or do you let it carry you along as you go?

I don’t have a hard and fast way to write. For Reluctant Queen, I wrote the story, then went through it to see what worked and what didn’t. I often just write. Other times, I figure out what I want before I begin. Each story is different.

5: What genre are your books and what drew you to that genre?

My books are fantasy. I like the idea of different worlds, better worlds.

6: What dream cast would you like to see playing the characters in your latest book?

If I was considering a movie, I’d start with the director, someone I thought capable of understanding the work and translating it to the screen.

7: Do you read much and if so who are your favourite authors?

I’m currently looking for new authors to read. In recent years, my favorites have been L Ron Hubbard, Wen Spencer, Neil Gaiman, Anne Bishop, Kristin Britain, Lilith Saintcrow, Edgar Allen Poe, and others.

8: What book/s are you reading at present?

I’m currently reading Summer of Sci-fi and Fantasy, Volume One, edited by Dustin Bilyk.

9: What is your favourite book and why?

Favorite books? Those would be the ones I have read several times. All the authors I listed above have books I’ve reread, and there are others I admire who aren’t listed.

10: What advice would you give for someone thinking about becoming a writer?

Advice? 1: When you are ready, find a good developmental editor. That was a good step for me. 2) Try to write a good story. Whatever else you want your writing to be, a particular message or an esthetic or something else, try to write a good story.

11: What are the best Social Media Sites for people to find out about you and your work?

Social media? Sorry. I’m a bit like Jack Reacher. I like to fly below the radar. I’m not that interesting. My hope is that my writing and my books are and will be interesting.

There were always books in our home when I was young: Black Beauty, Treasure Island, Hardy Boys. And Reader’s Digest. Sitting alone with a book was one of the pleasures of my youth. Did finding pleasure in reading lead to finding pleasure in writing? I don’t know if there is a cause and effect relation there. What I do know is in my youth I found pleasure in both, and I still do.

I intend on having the second book in the series, Hidden Witch, out later this year.

The plan for the series at this time is six books. I’d like to get two a year out, unless I can manage to have them ready faster.

I have the entire series plotted out. However, as many of you will be aware, having it plotted out does not mean the story will cooperate with that plan. The characters sometimes have other ideas. But I do have a plan which is how I prefer to approach the process.

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