Author Interview: ‘Wastelander’ by E.S. Luck

The Old World is dead. Alone and starving, her only salvation is him.

Born in a secure compound amidst the ashes of a world long dead, Claire Ainsley knows her place in the world: work her assigned job, live with her assigned husband, and keep her head down and her mouth shut. She knows what every compound resident has been taught: the world outside is a Wasteland, and the only thing more terrifying than leaving the compound is being forced to confront those who live outside—the ones left behind.

But her safe, contained life is destroyed when she narrowly survives an attack conceived by a conspiracy from within the compound itself. Only by fleeing into the terrifying Wasteland, a vast wilderness peopled by bloodthirsty, cannibalistic Wastelanders, can she escape a violent end at the hands of her fellow compound dwellers.

Captured by the very savages she feared, she is saved by John Madigan, a mysterious and capable survivor—and a Wastelander. She tries to deny the instant chemistry she feels with a man that is one moment terrifying, the next patient and caring, but eventually, neither of them are able to resist the blazing passion between them. But the Wasteland is harsh, and her time with John fleeting. As his own personal mission comes to an end, he must return to his ancestral homeland, leaving her with little choice but to learn to survive without the man whose protection is her only salvation in a harsh, uncompromising post-apocalyptic landscape.

The Wasteland of this world has not been kind to those unchosen.

The Wastelander is the first book in a post-apocalyptic romance series that follows John Madigan and Claire Ainsley as they navigate a dangerous world where lessons are brutally learned and love is challenged by hidden threats, political conspiracy, and the daily grind of survival.

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1: Tell us a little about yourself and what got you in to writing?

I’ve always been a writer. I wrote my first “book” at six years old, and my first novel series at eleven (I even remember some of it!). I pursued my interest in writing in university as well, with an honours degree in English Literature. I’ve done many kinds of writing, from academic work and copywriting and short stories to novels. I even dabbled in poetry for a while there (none that’s publishable, I’m afraid!). No matter the format, it’s what I love to do.

2: Do you have a favourite time and place where you write?

As a lifelong night owl, I write my books almost exclusively at night. Some of my best writing was produced at 4am! The quiet stillness of the night inspires me and allows me to minimize distractions. As for place, I write mostly on my couch or at my desk in my office.

3: Where do your ideas come from?

Besides events in my own life or the world at large, most of my inspiration comes from books or music. I often use music to set the mood for my writing or make up stories about songs I’m listening to. I also play a fair amount of video games, so sometimes I draw from imagery or ideas there too.

4: Do you have a plan in your head of where the story is going before you start writing or do you let it carry you along as you go?

I’m a classic pantser; I never formally plan anything I write. I almost always have a rough idea in my head about what should happen next, or the ultimate goal of the story, but I never outline it. 

I’ve learned that if I take the time to outline, perfectionism often prevents me from even starting, so I’ve given up on that and write on the fly! It’s made me infinitely more productive.

5: What genre are your books and what drew you to that genre?

The Wastelander is a post-apocalyptic romance novel. I’ve always enjoyed both romance books and post-apocalyptic fiction, so it seemed natural to me to combine the two. I love the juxtaposition of a tender love story set against the brutal backdrop of a post-apocalyptic world. Somehow, the happy ending seems even more satisfying that way!

6: What dream cast would you like to see playing the characters in your latest book?

Super hard question, because if you knew me, you’d know that my movie and TV knowledge is lacking, to say the least. I think Sophie Turner would make a good Claire, and maybe Nicholas Hoult for John.

7: Do you read much and if so who are your favourite authors?

I’ve always loved to read and still do all the time! Favourite authors depends on the genre for sure. For historical romance (my most read genre), it’s hard to beat Lisa Kleypas, Julie Garwood, or Judith McNaught. I also love romances from authors like Heather Guerre, Jayne Castel, Stephanie Archer, and Claire Kent/Noelle Adams.

I love some classic authors as well, like Mary Shelley or Sylvia Plath. My tastes are quite varied, and with some exceptions, I’ll give most anything a chance.

8: What book/s are you reading at present?

I just finished reading Hello, Stranger by Lisa Kleypas, and started Moonshine by Kat Bostick. 

9: What is your favourite book and why?

So difficult because there are so many! However, my all-time favorite might be Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. The book was so revolutionary at the time—the first real science fiction novel, and written by a 19-year-old woman, no less! The language is dense but beautiful, and the story itself is a classic tale of the tragic consequences of hubris.

Another favourite would be Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar, which had a tremendous influence on me both as a writer and as a young woman. It’s one of the most honest depictions of mental illness I’ve ever read. Despite dark themes, Plath is brilliantly witty and irreverent. You laugh through the tears.

10: What advice would you give for someone thinking about becoming a writer?

Besides writing itself, reading is the #1 most important thing you can do in your journey as a writer. Nothing has helped me grow as a writer as much as finding books I love and authors I admire. And then, as with most things, practice makes perfect. You will write many first drafts that are utter dreck. That’s okay! Rewriting is an essential part of writing and getting it right on the first try rarely happens. Continuing to hone your craft and experimenting with new ideas helps you grow as a writer.

11: What are the best Social Media Sites for people to find out about you and your work?

You can follow E.S. Luck on Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest. I also have Goodreads + Amazon author profiles. 

E.S. Luck is a copywriter by day and an author when no one is watching. She enjoys reading, writing genre-bending fiction, and extolling the virtues of grammar, much to the collective dismay of all who meet her. She owns too much makeup and lives in Ontario with her husband and their adorable dog, Rosie. The Wastelander is her debut novel.

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