Author Interview: ‘Fate’s Wager’ by Derren Parsons

We all have darkness in our pasts – now imagine yours has returned with swords drawn, forcing you to lead a fellowship of outcasts and confront unearthly horrors just to spare those you love from the brink of oblivion.

When ex-soldier John’s gambling debts embroil his family in a treacherous quest, he assembles a fellowship from his dark past—a cunning human, stalwart dwarf, fierce elven huntress, and twin Namites, jackal-headed warriors from a distant desert land. Bound by brotherhood forged through the calamities of war, they dare to pursue fabled treasure stolen by a legendary sea beast.

Braving untold dangers on land and sea, John’s eclectic band of battle-hardened rogues must work as one to outwit ruthless brigands and monstrous jungle horrors in their drive to settle John’s score. But as deception and betrayal threaten to tear the team apart, only their unwavering camaraderie can conquer the challenges ahead.

In this epic tale brimming with magic, mythic monsters, rip-roaring action, and sprawling world-building, one man’s debt holds dire implications, forcing him to lead his team of damaged heroes on a breakneck chase that will either end a lifelong curse… or destroy everything he holds dear.

Will John’s specters of war demand more from him than he can give?

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1: Tell us a little about yourself and what got you in to writing?

I currently live in Australia after moving from England at age 10. I’ve been writing short stories and musings for 35 years, though never publishing any of them. In 2020, finding ample extra time during the pandemic, I finally pursued novel-writing to translate the fantasy adventure tales swirling in my imagination. I published my first novel “The Second Rising” in May 2023, an epic fantasy adventure, the first volume of a series, then quickly released 3 more books in the fantasy genre. My goal is to share those sweeping fantasy stories and valiant protagonists that have lived in my mind for so many years.

2: Do you have a favourite time and place where you write?

In the morning, absolutely. A fresh cup of coffee and maybe the hobbit/Lord of The Rings soundtrack playing in the background for inspiration. I’m a big fan of both.

3: Where do your ideas come from?

As a fantasy writer, I draw much inspiration from my dreams and imagination. Forests spark visions of fairy grottos and lost elf kingdoms. Stormy seas conjure battling sorcerers. Sometimes as I lay in bed, snippets of wondrous new worlds or courageous characters will often reveal themselves to me, forcing me to hurriedly jot them down.

Also movies, books and video games feed my creativity, whether it’s themes of fellowship and destiny or my own twists on mythical beasts and fabled heroes. 

Even my children and pets have inspired characters and plotlines, it’s surprising where you can find inspiration.

4: Do you have a plan in your head of where the story is going before you start writing or do you let it carry you along as you go?

Not really, I have a vague idea of the ending and maybe some key scenes, but mostly I’m flying by the seat of my pants, like a wizard embarking on an epic quest without a map. Sometimes it works out wonderfully, with exciting new character arcs or plot twists bubbling up spontaneously as I write. Other times it leads down a winding path that requires revisiting earlier chapters to realign details.

I love letting the characters lead rather than overly plotting things out. Joining them on the narrative journey without knowing what lies ahead allows me to experience genuine surprises as well. 

Of course, balancing consistency amidst improvising fantasy elements presents challenges. I utilize extensive notes to track characters, lore and story progress to ensure continuity. But not having extensive pre-plotting means tagging along on the adventure right beside readers!

5: What genre are your books and what drew you to that genre?

The genre of my books is fantasy. I’ve loved fantasy since childhood, when I would dive into the magical worlds of fantasy books and movies, sparking my imagination with their mystical lands, wizards, dragons, and epic quests. Series like Lord of the Rings and Chronicles of Narnia made me fall in love with the creativity and worldbuilding that fantasy allows.

What draws me in is the chance to construct enthralling imaginary settings where anything seems possible. As a kid, my friends and I would act out our own fantasy adventures in the nearby woods, with our parents spinning mesmerizing tales of goblins and witches. I try to distill that magical sense of wonder and nostalgia into my novels, transporting readers to realms where good battles evil, heroes wield magical powers, and mythical creatures come alive.

Fantasy offers escapism and boundless imagination – the ability to dream up spectacles beyond reality. I want my books to recapture that goosebumps feeling of awe I’ve cherished since childhood.

6: What dream cast would you like to see playing the characters in your latest book?

That’s a hard question, but maybe Cillian Murphy as Jonathon Rourke, Kristen Bell as Emma, Tom hardy as Deacon Miller, Holly Hunter as Terry the elf, Seth MacFarlane as Flash, Donald Glover as Ace.

7: Do you read much and if so who are your favourite authors?

I read as often as I can, though I wish I had more time to fully immerse myself in the rich worlds crafted by talented fantasy authors. J.R.R Tolkien set the bar high – I’ve read classics like The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, but also some of his lesser known works like The Children of Húrin and Beren and Lúthien. What stands out is his unparalleled attention to mythical history and languages when building Middle Earth.

Other fantasy greats like Brandon Sanderson, Robin Hobb and Robert Jordan expanded my sense of what vibrant magic systems and multilayered characters look like. Contemporary authors like R.F. Kuang pulled me in a darker direction with The Poppy War’s gripping historical fiction inspired by 20th century China – her inventive shamanic magic and portrayal of conflict still influences my own approach.

I also learned much from those outside fantasy, like Ken Follett – his focus on immersive settings and prioritizing character development over plot deeply shaped my process. Ultimately though, Tolkien set me on this journey, revealing how richly you can construct a fictional world layered with myths and legends. I strive to honor his legacy by crafting my own living, breathing realms future generations can one day get lost in!

8: What book/s are you reading at present?

Currently, I’m re-reading the Hobbit – the rich worldbuilding and an unlikely hero’s journey template are timeless inspirations I continually revisit. I also recently picked up some indie fantasy titles showcasing fresh talent:

The Atrocity Bells by Lee Anderson draws me in with its innovative magic system based around an ancient order of mystic blacksmiths who forge weapons imbued with spells. I admire when newer authors build out fully realized magic not anchored to common tropes.

The Moonchild by David Cameron features a protagonist wrestling with his supernatural origins as the offspring of a human and forest deity. The inner turmoil, vivid settings, and themes of defying destiny reveal a promising new voice.

Beyond that, my TBR pile is filled with classics by titans like Ursula K. Le Guin alongside debuts from rising indie stars constructing new realms. I aim to balance mining beloved fantasy foundations with discovering pioneering world builders and unique magic that pushes boundaries. Both pillars help fuel my own creativity!

9: What is your favourite book and why?

The Hobbit remains most dear for Bilbo’s relatable arc from timid recluse to finding courage he didn’t know he had. I connect to his initial resistance to adventure – fantasy realms enthralled me, but exploring them seemed daunting. Yet seeing Bilbo defeat trolls and spiders despite fear taught me that hidden resolve exists within even us “gentlefolk.”

Indelible scenes like the riddle game illustrated how cunning complements brawn. And bonds forged with dwarves who once mocked him showed fellowship can emerge from adversity. Ultimately, Bilbo returned forever changed – now wiser and resilient. That transformation still inspires me.

But beyond the iconic journey, Tolkien’s peerless prose and worldbuilding cement this as my favorite. No one before or since has crafted such rhythmic lore instantly transporting me alongside Bilbo into Mirkwood’s ancient forests and Erebor’s dwarven halls. That magical spirit keeps me returning to these pages again and again.

10: What advice would you give for someone thinking about becoming a writer?

Go for it – don’t put off writing! I wish I had started penning novels much earlier. The key is consistency: Make writing a regular habit, even if you can only spare an hour a day. Set attainable goals rather than getting intimidated by huge projects. Join writer communities too for invaluable feedback and motivation when the journey gets lonely.

Capture ideas and observations in a notebook you carry everywhere – snippets of imaginative worlds, interesting dialogue you overhear, relatable struggles. These snippets can germinate into rich stories with work. Voraciously read within your genre as well to understand what makes tales resonate. Great writing builds on what came before it.

Most importantly, don’t get discouraged. Let your early drafts be messy and nonsensical – magical moments hide within them! Writing itself helps tease out those gems. Start small with poems and short scenes as you hone creative muscles. But make creating, however imperfectly, part of your routine. Even modest daily progress adds up over time into something incredible you can one day share, having found your unique writer’s voice.

The journey won’t always be smooth, but with the right habits and community, you can do what I did – turn a small spark of imagination into a raging fire that fuels novel after novel. I believe in you! Now believe in yourself.

11: What are the best Social Media Sites for people to find out about you and your work?  







Derren Parsons is the Australian author of the compelling new adult fantasy series, The Chronicles of Arghost.

With a vivid imagination and a love for storytelling, he immerses himself in a world of fantasy. Whether he’s conjuring up tales of adventure or battling creatures of darkness, his creativity knows no bounds. Despite his busy life as a husband, father, and grandfather, he never loses touch with his inner child, always eager to explore and create. Whether he’s exploring enchanted forests or venturing into treacherous dungeons, he’s always ready for a good story, and with his boundless energy and imaginative spirit, he’ll continue to bring his tales to life for years to come.

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