Author Interview: ‘The Shards of A Blue Sapphire’ by P. Charlotte

Life throws Anna Igbenogie a hard blow, when marriage to her first love, Alistair Odibe becomes a battlefield. Broken and scarred, survival becomes a necessity because of her God-given responsibilities. But at a cost: The Loss of her Heart- Fortified behind impenetrable walls, which she had built. Fortresses that had saved her all along until…

Now, in a new country far from her past and all that it represented, the sudden emergence of this familiar stranger threatens to undo all that has been done.

Stanley Langshire; exceedingly richhandsome, the name on the lips of every lady. Dubbed as one of ‘The Sexiest Mega Millionaires of the North’ and ‘Ritzy Leigh’s Mega Million Stallions of The World’. Owns a degree in MBBS which he doesn’t need. Commanding, kind. Broken. For years he has eluded the thoughts of any form of reconnecting with his heart. Hell! He killed the heart. Relegating it to the beating organ that it was created for- until she comes along.

Two world’s. Would the journey of these two take them down a path that would threaten to unravel them and all that concerns them both? Breaking them completely.

Or would it give them Life?

I wonder.


“How long can you run from me, Anna?” He asked in a hushed whisper, his index finger trailing the edges of her face.

 Anna gasped, her eyes shut as she let herself lost in his soft touch. 

“Hmm… How long?” He repeated. 

This time his lips, warm and yearning, traced her face. 

“I can’t fight anymore,” Anna whispered. 

“Then don’t,” Stanley said. Anna’s eyes abruptly flung open and she discovered it was already morning. Time for her shift.

1: Tell us a little about yourself and what got you in to writing? 

My name is P. Charlotte and I am an author of romance books. I also collaborate with my co-authors, M and I Charlotte to write Children’s story books. 

Like my co-authors, M and I. Charlotte, I am an author, whose works are all inspired by the Holy Spirit, written through eager fingers. Through our pains, tears and brokenness, I and my co-authors were inspired by the Holy Spirit, to create stories, to heal our broken hearts. 

2: Do you have a favourite time and place where you write? 

I don’t have a favorite time and place where I write. 

3: Where do your ideas come from?

My ideas come from God’s Spirit. His Spirit leads me to these stories, as way of healing me from all my past pains.

4: Do you have a plan in your head of where the story is going before you start writing or do you let it carry you along as you go?

The story progresses through the eyes of the Characters. It’s like God shows me each character and what he/she should experience in the story.

5: What genre are your books and what drew you to that genre? 

As an author, I create characters in my stories – be it romance stories or children’s stories, who have suffered brokenness or a challenge of sorts. These characters all have a story of pain, their hopes lost. Their feelings crushed by the extent of hardships or betrayals that they have had to endure. 

In spite of these challenges or feelings of brokenness and tears, as the case may be,  these characters in these stories, who are just like me, my co- authors and every man, woman or child out there, find a ray of hope. A light at the end of the tunnel.

As an author, I believe in a diverse world. A world of equality and you can see this in all the stories.

6: What dream cast would you like to see playing the characters in your latest book?

My latest book, an ebook, The Shards of a Blue Sapphire: Fortresses, is a contemporary romance Erotica novel. A story about love between two broken souls, who found love in the most unusual circumstance. #Smiles. I would like William Levy to play as Stanley  and Kylie Bunbury as Anna. I believe they will portray the chemistry that these two, had in the novel.

7: Do you read much and if so who are your favourite authors?

I love reading a lot romance novels a lot. Reading these books, is not only enlightening, but it is distracting as well. I am transported to the world of the characters when I read. Beverly Jenkins, E. L James, Julia Quinn, Barbara Taylor Bradford and many regency romance authors.

9: What is your favourite book and why? 

My favorite book is Indigo, by Beverly Jenkins. It was a book about love in the most unusual circumstances. A story of hope.

10: What advice would you give for someone thinking about becoming a writer?

Pray. Just ask God for His guidance and He would open your eyes to see the characters He wants you to write about.

11: What are the best Social Media Sites for people to find out about you and your work?

I am currently working on my social media sites. Email and all. Hopefully, once I am done, it would kick off.

You would find my books in Kobo stores both in Kobo and Kobo Plus, booktopia, fnac and in over drive libraries.

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Filed under Author Interview, Reading Nook Blog Posts

One response to “Author Interview: ‘The Shards of A Blue Sapphire’ by P. Charlotte

  1. lifestyle4uvie

    Thank you So much Sarah. I am grateful. Extremely grateful. From P. Charlotte.

    Liked by 1 person

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