Author Interview: ‘A Guide to Deception’ by Spencer Coffman

About the Book:

Learn the language everyone speaks but no one understands…

Body language.

Spencer Coffman, a certified expert in micro-expressions and well versed in human behavior, will give you a great understanding of the little hidden signs displayed by every person on earth. These unconscious behaviors are exactly that, unconscious. Because of this, they are often unrecognized. However, with training, they can be seen and lies can be detected.

Of course there are many books on the market about body language. However, this is the first one that takes the form of a study guide or lesson plan and is focused exclusively on deception. While reading, you’ll discover:

  • How to recognize lying eye contact
  • What a shoulder shrug really means
  • How someone feels when the cross their arms
  • What it means when a persons voice changes
  • That speech and body language must match
  • And Much, Much, More!!!

“With six simple chapters and less than 100 pages A Guide To Deception makes for an easy and very enjoyable read.”


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Author Interview:

1: Tell us a little about yourself and what got you in to writing?

I started writing because I realized that I had valuable information to share. It started with A Guide To Deception. I wrote it to educate people on how to detect deception so that they won’t be taken advantage of by lies. As I grew my online presence, I learned how to do a lot of different things such as, social media marketing, how to use those platforms, how to detach from it all once and a while, et cetera. I wanted to share this knowledge with others so that they wouldn’t have to go through as long of a learning process as I did. Therefore, I began writing books on how to take advantage of social media sites.

2: Do you have a favourite time and place where you write?

I like to write at my desk. I type it right into the computer and take breaks every few paragraphs. Usually, I don’t leave the desk until I’m finished for the day. I like to sit there in silence and type.

3: Where do your ideas come from?

My ideas come from the different things that I learned and then I think that if I had to learn it there must be other people that would like to learn it as well. Therefore, I write a book about it so that it will help others learn faster through someone else’s experience.

4: Do you have a plan in your head of where the story is going before you start writing or do you let it carry you along as you go?

Yes, usually I have a plan. I have a direction where I want the book to go. I have a goal. I would like to teach other people how to be successful on certain social media platforms. Therefore, I write with an outline in my head and then let it carry me from page to page.

5: What genre are your books and what drew you to that genre?

My books are non-fiction. The reason is because I have learned how to do a lot of different things through self-education. I wrote the books to teach other people how to do what I have done. I wanted to share the information with them so that they have it available as well. It’s always easier to learn from someone who has already done it.

6: What dream cast would you like to see playing the characters in your latest book?

This one doesn’t really apply to me right now. However, I am working on a fiction book, and have been for years. It will probably end up being two books. We’ll see. Regarding the cast, something along one of the Nicholas Sparks movie casts.

7: Do you read much and if so who are your favourite authors?

Yes, I really enjoy reading. For fiction, I have always enjoyed Sherlock Holmes by Sir A Conan Doyle, The Great Brain books by Fitzgerald. I also enjoy Gary Paulson. For non-fiction, I enjoy financial books or books about body language and deception.

8: What book/s are you reading at present?

Currently, I’m reading a lot of non-fiction or personal growth books. Books written by Robert Kiyosaki and other authors in his Rich Dad network.

9: What is your favourite book and why?

Memory Boy by Will Weaver. I really like the story and how it is something that could really be feasible in today’s world. I’ve always loved books about surviving and life in the woods. Like the Brain Books by Gary Paulsen.

10: What advice would you give for someone thinking about becoming a writer?

Stop thinking about becoming a writer and start writing. Don’t worry about anything else. Simply write. It doesn’t matter how good it is or if there are mistakes. Who cares! Start writing and keep writing. You can worry about publishing later.

11: What are the best Social Media Sites for people to find out about you and your work?  



Twitter: @spencercoffman8




About the Author:

I’m an author of many books that span a variety of subjects. My goal is to share valuable and informative information with others so that they can use it to be successful in life, business, and elsewhere.

I create many YouTube videos about plugin reviews, software reviews, online hints and tips, social media how to, and how to be successful on the Steemit blog network.

I’d love to have you connect with me on any of the sites below. In addition, if you ever have any questions about anything related to my content I hope you’ll contact me.

Spencer Coffman

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